Pre-insulated fixed points

Pre-insulated fixed points

Steel pipe HDPE casing pipe Retaining plate dimensions Ring thickness Max. force
DN Retaining plate dimensions STANDARD insulation Insulation PLUS InsulationPLUS PLUS STANDARD insulation Insulation
od (mm) OD (mm) OD (mm) OD (mm) A (mm) A (mm) A (mm) t (mm) T(mm)
32 42,4 110 125 140 210 225 450 16 80
40 48,3 110 125 140 210 225 450 16 93
50 60,3 125 140 160 225 240 280 16 130
65 76,1 140 160 200 240 260 300 16 230
80 88,9 160 200 225 260 300 325 20 280
100 114,3 200 225 250 300 325 350 20 400
125 139,7 225 250 315 350 415 480 20 710
150 168,3 250 315 400 350 415 500 25 710
200 219,1 315 400 450 415 500 550 25 990
250 273,0 400 450 500 500 550 600 50 1360
300 323,9 450 500 560 600 650 710 50 1650
350 355,6 500 560 630 650 700 780 55 1700
400 406,4 560 630 710 700 800 850 60 2000
500 508,0 630 710 900 800 1000 1070 80 2500
600 610,0 800 900 1000 1000 1250 1400 80 3100

The specified force is the admissible load of the retaining plate.
The force for the concrete block should be calculated separately.
The permissible block displacement is 2% in relation to its height.