Heat shrink tubes

Rury termokurczliwe cienkościenne, ciepłoodporne +°C - typu RCH

Heat shrink thin wall tubes, heat-resistant 125°C – type RCH1

Application: Universal heat shrinkable tubes applied to perform electrical insulation, technical and moisture protection. They…
Rury termokurczliwe pogrubione i grubościenne ,do izolowania szyn zbiorczych średniego napięcia - typu RBM i RBH

Medium and thick wall heat shrink tubes for Medium Voltage bus bar insulation – type RBM i RBH

Application:  Designed for better insulation of bus bars in switchgears and substations. They guarantee high…
Rury termokurczliwe cienkościenne - typu BOX

Thin wall tube on spools – type BOX

Application:  Thin wall heat shrink tubes supplied on spools in convenient boxes. You may cut…
Rury termokurczliwe cienkościenne - typu BOX

Thin wall tube on spools – type BOX

Application:  Thin wall heat shrink tubes supplied on spools in convenient boxes. You may cut…
Rury termokurczliwe ciepłoodporne, elastyczne, samogasnące, szybkoobkurczające +°C - typu RCEHS

Heat shrink thin wall tubes, flexible, self-extinguishing, quick-shrink 125°C – type RCEH1S

Application: Heat shrinkable tubes used to perform electrical insulation in conditions requiring increased resistance to high…
Rury termokurczliwe cienkościenne samogasnące, ciepłoodporne +°C - typu RCHS

Heat shrink thin wall tubes, self-extinguishing, heat-resistant 125°C, typu RCH1S

Application: Heat shrinkable tubes flame retardant used to perform an electrical insulation, bonding cable harnesses, provide…
Miks rur termokurczliwych w kolorach fazowych

Mix of heat shrink tubes in phase colors

Application: One package contains most popular colors used by fitters and electricians (50 m of each…
Rury termokurczliwe poliolefinowe, bardzo elastyczne, z klejem skurcz :, : - typu RCK i RCK

Polyolefin heat shrink tubes, very flexible, adhesive-layered, shrink ratio 3:1, 4:1 – type RC3K and RC4K

Application: Designed for making protection on cable bundles and metal pipes against water and moisture. They…
Rury termokurczliwe poliolefinowe, bardzo elastyczne, samogasnące, skurcz : i : - typu RCS i RCS

Polyolefin heat shrink tubes, very flexible, self-extinguishing, shrink ratio 3:1 and 4:1 – type RC3S i RC4S

Application: RC3S: wide application in the performance of electrical insulation, connecting cable bundles and marking…
Rury termokurczliwe grubościenne - typu RDK, RDM, RD

Thick wall heat shrink tubes – type RDK, RDM, RD

Application: They are designed for insulation of metal elements, lampposts, masts, pipelines and elements of bridges.…
Rury termokurczliwe grubościenne z klejem, wysoki skurcz : - typu RBG

Thick wall heat shrink tubes, adhesive-layered, high shrink ratio : 6-1 type RBG

Application: Ideal insulation on objects with different diameters - cables, connectors and other elements. High shrink…
Thin wall heat shrink tubes, with adhesive +°C, +°C - type RCKH i RCEHKS

Thin wall heat shrink tubes, with adhesive 125°C, 135°C – type RCKH1 i RCEH2KS

Application: Heat shrinkable tubes with adhesive layer protect against water and moisture also among others cables…
Rury termokurczliwe ze zmodyfikowanego fluoroelastomeru, bardzo elastyczne - typu RFE

Heat shrink tubes of modified fluoroelastomer, very flexible – type RFE

Application: They are recommended for installation where a high resistance to corrosive liquids - oils, lubricants,…
Rury termokurczliwe cienkościenne, elastyczne, ciepłoodporne +°C - typu RCEH

Heat shrink thin wall tubes, flexible, heat-resistant 125°C – type RCEH1

Application: Heat shrinkable tubes, flexible, rapidly shrinkable are used for insulating components that are sensitive to…
Rury termokurczliwe cienkościenne, elastyczne, samogasnące, szybko obkurczające, ciepłoodporne +°C - typu RCEHS

Heat shrink thin wall tubes, flexible, self-extinguishing, quick-shrink, heat resistant 135°C – type RCEH2S

Application: Heat shrinkable tubes used to perform electrical insulation in conditions requiring increased resistance to high…
Rury termokurczliwe do nadruku termotransferowego, cienkościenne bardzo elastyczne, samogasnące, bezhalogenowe - typu RCS(HF), RCS(HF)

Heat shrinkable tubes for thermotransfer printing, thin wall tubes, very flexible, self-extinguishing, halogen-free – type RC2S(HF), RC3S(HF)

Application: Specially prepared surface of heat shrink tubing ensures high quality printing by thermotransfer printer. In…
Rury termokurczliwe poliolefinowe, bardzo cienkie - typu RUC

Polyolefin heat shrink tubes, ultra thin – type RUC

Application: Especially recommended in areas where it has meaning of fast shrinking and space savings. The…
Rury termokurczliwe pogrubione ciepłoodporne +°C - typu RPH, RPKH, RPHS, RPKHS

Medium wall heat shrink tubes, heat-resistance 125°C – type RPH1, RPKH1, RPH1S, RPKH1S

Application: Used to restore the insulation and the outer cable coating, high shrink ratio and a…
Rury termokurczliwe pogrubione z mastikiem uszczelniającym - typu RPM

Medium wall heat shrink tubes with mastic – type RPM

Application: RPM tubes are on all length covered with mastic sealing. They are designed for the…
Rury termokurczliwe pogrubione, izolacyjne, na średnie napięcia do kV, odporne na prądy pełzające - typu RPAT

Medium wall heat shrink tubes, insulation, for Medium Voltage up to 36kV, anti-tracking – type RPAT

Application: Designed for insulation in cable terminations and joints for Medium Voltage up to 36kV. Their…
Taśmy izolacyjne do szyn zbiorczych - typu RTBB

Insulating tapes for bus bars – typu RTBB

Application: They are very flexible and easy to install. They are designed for bus bar insulation…
Self-extinguishing, thin-walled, very flexible, self-extinguishing heat shrinkable tubes - RCHS (BH) type

Self-extinguishing, thin-walled, very flexible, self-extinguishing heat shrinkable tubes – RCH1S (BH) type

Purpose: Used to perform electrical insulation in conditions requiring increased resistance to high temperatures. Tubes…
Rury termokurczliwe ze zmodyfikowanego elastomeru - typu REL

Heat shrinkable modified elastomer tubes – REL type

REL pipes are durable and resistant to long-term exposure to high-temperature fluids. They provide effective…
Rury izolacyjne z włókna szklanego powlekanego silikonem – typu RFG

Silicon-coated fiberglass insulation pipes – RFG type

RFG pipes are used to perform electrical insulation in conditions requiring increased resistance to high…
Rury termokurczliwe cienkościenne, samogasnące z białym klejem samogasnącym - typu RCKF

Thin-walled, self-extinguishing heat shrinkable tubes with white self-extinguishing adhesive – RC4KF type

The self-extinguishing heat shrink RC4KF tube with white glue will meet the expectations of even…
Rury termokurczliwe cienkościenne przeźroczyste z klejem - typu RCKB

Heat shrinkable thin-walled transparent tubes with adhesive – RC4KB type

Heat-shrinkable tubing - RC4KB type, thanks to the transparent wall, is perfect for shrinking the…
Nowość - Rura termokurczliwa cienkościenna typu: RCHZn o właściwościach bakteriobójczych (z dodatkiem nanocynku)

Thin-wall heat shrinkable tubing with bactericidal properties (with the addition of nanozinc)

Application: Heat-shrinkable bactericidal tubes are intended for the biological protection of the surface of elements.…

Thin-wall heat shrinkable tubing with bactericidal properties (with the addition of nanozinc)

Application: Heat-shrinkable bactericidal tubes are intended for the biological protection of the surface of elements.…