Straight cable joints for 0,6/1kV polymer insulated 5-core cables of type N(A)YY, N(A)2XY, Y(A)KY, Y(A)KXS
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Cable joints and terminations
/ Cable joints and terminations
Straight cable joints for 0,6/1kV polymer insulated 5-core cables of type N(A)YY, N(A)2XY, Y(A)KY, Y(A)KXS
Straight cable joints for screened rubber insulated cables with three service cores and three protection cores 6/10 kV
Application: for joining mining wires of type: NTSCGEWOU, OnGcekgż-G (S), OnGcekgż-G (Z), OnGcrekgż-G (S), OnGcrekgż-G…
Outdoor cable terminations for 3-core saturated paper insulated and armoured cables with common metal sheath
Application: designed for termination cables of type: N(A)KRA, N(A)KFY, N(A)KRY, AKnFtA, AKnFpA, AKnFt, AKnFp, AKnFty, AKnFpy,…
Straight cable joints for 0,6/1kV polymer insulated 1-core cables of type N(A)YY, N(A)2XY, Y(A)KY, Y(A)KXS
Indoor cable terminations for screened rubber insulated wires with three service cores and three protection cores
Application: designed for termination cables of type: NTSCGEWOE, OGb, OGc, OnGcekgż-G, OnGbekgż-G. Wire's cores outlet is…
Outdoor cable terminations for 3-core unscreened polymer insulated and armoured cables with drain tapes
Application: designed for termination cables of type: N(A)YCY, N(A)YCWY, YAKYFty, YKYFty, YAKYFpy, YKYFpy, YAKYFoy, YKYFoy.…
Straight cable joints for 3-core unscreened polymer insulated and armoured cables
Application: for joining cables of type: N(A)YCY, N(A)YCWY, YAKYFty, YKYFty, YAKYFpy, YKYFpy, YAKYFoy, YKYFoy. Heat…
Straight cable joints for 0,6/1kV paper insulated cables of type N(A)KRA, N(A)KFY, KFtA, AKFtA
Straight cable joints for screened rubber insulated cables with three service cores and three protection cores
Application: for joining wires of type: NTSCGEWOU, OGb, OGc, OnGcekgż-G, OnGbekgż-G. Tinned mining connectors are used…
Transition cable joints from 3-core screened saturated paper insulated and armoured cable with common metal sheath to three single core extruded and screened polymer insulated cables with copper wire screen
Application: for joining cables of type: NH(A)KBA, NH(A)KY, H(A)KnF(t, p)A, H(A)KnF(t, p)y, H(A)Kny with cables N(A)2XS(2)Y,…
Straight cable joints for 0,6/1kV polymer insulated and armoured cables of type N(A)YCY, N(A)YCWY, N(A)YBY, Y(A)KYF(o, p, t, l)Y
Heat shrink protection kits for 0,6/1kV – type ZO 4, ZO 5
Application: Protection kits are meant for cable ends protection. They allow the operation of cable under…
Straight cable joints for 0,6/1kV polymer insulated 4-core cables of type N(A)YY, N(A)2XY, Y(A)KY, Y(A)KXS
Straight cable joints for 0,6/1kV polymer insulated 4-core cables of type NAYY, NA2XY, YAKY, YAKXS
Straight cable joints for 0,6/1kV polymer insulated 4-core cables of type NYY, NXY, YKY, YKXS
Heat shrink phase markers – typu ZOK, ZOKżt
Application: Designed for phase marking of conductors finished with copper or aluminum lugs for installation outdoor,…
Polyurethane resin, type RPU
Application: It is used for the reconstruction of the insulation of polymer, paper or rubber insulated…
Straight cable joints for 3-core screened saturated paper insulated and armoured cables with common metal sheath
Application: for joining cables of type: NH(A)KBA, NH(A)KY, H(A)KnF(t, p)A, H(A)KnF(t, p)y, H(A)Kny. The set contains…
Straight cable joints for 3-core screened saturated paper insulated and armoured cables with common metal sheath
Applications: for joining cables of type: N(A)KRA, N(A)KFY, N(A)KRY, AKnFtA, AKnFpA, AKnFt, AKnFp, AKnFty, AKnFpy,…
Straight cable joints for 3-core screened saturated paper insulated and armoured cables with common metal sheath
Applications: for joining cables of type: N(A)KRA, N(A)KFY, N(A)KRY, AKnFtA, AKnFpA, AKnFt, AKnFp, AKnFty, AKnFpy,…
Straight cable joints for 0,6/1kV signal cables
Straight cable joints for single-core screened polymer insulated cables with copper wire screen
Application: for joining cables of type: N(A)2XS(2)Y, N(A)2XS(F)(L)(2)Y, YH(A)KXS, XUH(A)KXS, XH(A)KXS , X(RU)H(A)KXS. The set contains…
Outdoor cable terminations for screened rubber insulated cables with three service cores and three protection cores
Application: designed for termination mining cables of type: NTSCGEWOE, OnGcekgż-G (S), OnGcekgż-G (Z), OnGcrekgż-G (S), OnGcrekgż-G…
Transition cable joints 0,6/1kV with screw or compression connectors
Cable terminations 0,6/1kV for polymer insulated cables of type: N(A)YY, N(A)XY, Y(A)KY, Y(A)KXS
Outdoor cable terminations for 3-core screened saturated paper insulated and armoured cables with common metal sheath
Application:designed for termination cables of type: N(A)HKBA, H(A)KnFtA, H(A)KnF(t, p)y, H(A)Kny. Analogous construction like…
Cable terminations 0,6/1kV for rubber insulated cables of type: H07RN-F, OGł, H07RN-F, HBN4-F
Indoor cable terminations for single-core screened polymer insulated cables with copper wire screen
Application: designed for termination cables of type: N(A)2XS(2)Y, N(A)2XS(F)(L)(2)Y, YH(A)KXS, XUH(A)KXS, XH(A)KXS, X(RU)H(A)KXS. The sets are…
Indoor cable terminations for single-core unscreened polymer insulated cables with copper wire screen
Application: designed for termination cables of type: NYY, NAYY, YKY, YAKY. Insulation and filling mastic…
Indoor cable terminations for single-core unscreened polymer insulated cables with drain tapes
Application: designed for termination cables of type: NYY, NAYY, YKY, YAKY. Connection of drain tapes is…
Branch cast resin joints 0,6 1/ kV – type JLZR 1; 2; 3
Application: They are designed for joining 3, 4 and 5-core 0,6/1kV cables of main cable cores'…
Indoor cable terminations for 3-core saturated paper insulated and armoured cables with common metal sheath
Application: designed for termination cables of type: N(A)KRA, N(A)KFY, N(A)KRY, AKnFtA, AKnFpA, AKnFt, AKnFp, AKnFty, AKnFpy,…
Indoor cable terminations for 3-core screened saturated paper insulated and armoured cables with common metal sheath
Application: designed for termination cables of type: N(A)HKBA, H(A)KnFtA, H(A)KnF(t, p)y, H(A)Kny. Insulation of the particular…
Indoor cable terminations for 3-core unscreened polymer insulated and armoured cables with drain tapes
Application: designed for termination cables of type: N(A)YCY, N(A)YCWY, YAKYFty, YKYFty, YAKYFpy, YKYFpy, YAKYFoy, YKYFoy.…
Indoor cable terminations for 3-core unscreened polymer insulated and armoured mining power cables with flame-retardant sheath
Application: designed for termination cables of type: YKGYFtyn, YKGYFtlyn, YKGYFoyn, YKGYFpyn Connection of drain wires…
Indoor cable terminations for 3-core unscreened polymer insulated cables with drain tapes
Application: designed for termination cables of type: NYY, NAYY, YKY, YAKY. Connection of drain tapes…