Training in the design of heating networks for the Kelvin company from Bielsko Biała
March 21, 2023
The purpose of the meeting is to provide knowledge in the field of designing heating networks and information about Radpol pre-insulated pipes
Radpol pre-insulated pipes and joints
Meeting description
We had the pleasure of training employees of the Kelvin company from Bielsko Biała in the field of designing district heating networks. Our expert – Hanna Bindarowska, who at Radpol S.A. serves as the Chief of District Heating Designer, she conducted the substantive training.
The design training covered topics related to:
- Legal standards
- Project classes
- Stresses and forces acting on the pipeline buried in the ground
- Permissible axial stresses in pre-insulated pipelines
- Maximum installation lengths
- Piping laying methods:
- natural compensation
- compensation with bellows compensators
- preheating
- preload
7. Calculations of the network with a computer endurance program.
The design training also covered practical applications of various solutions in a pre-insulated network. The issues of non-standard compensation (different angles of network refraction), location of branches, and even examples of connections of a duct network with a pre-insulated network were discussed.
The last part of the training ended with a practical demonstration of muffing conducted by Witold Niesiołowski – our heating expert Witold Niesiołowski. The participants of the training had a muffing kit with a burner at their disposal, thanks to which it was possible to perform muffing on their own.
Below are some shots from that day.