Caste Study: Sewer RC MAXIprotect pipes in Wietrzno
Wietrzno in Dukla agglomeration
Completion of the project
Start in January 2023. Completion of the investment by the end of 2023.
Construction of a sewage collector from Wietrzno to Głowienka for the needs of the Dukla agglomeration and the Równe agglomeration
RC MAXIprotect® SDR11 DZ315 x 28,6 PE/PP with PP outer sheath without aluminum tape, l=12mb
Neptun Sp. z o.o., with the subcontractor – Machnik Sp. z o.o.
Task entitled “Construction of a sewage collector from Wietrzno through Niżna Łąka, Bóbrka, Wrocanka to Głowienka for the needs of the Dukla and Równe agglomerations” includes the construction of a sanitary sewage network with a sewage pumping station.
The subject of the investment is the construction of a pressure and gravity sewer with a pumping station (pumping station) discharging sanitary sewage from the towns of the Dukla agglomeration – Cergowa, Nadole, Jasionka, Teodorówka, Lipowica, Równe, Zboiska, Wietrzno and Dukla to the existing sanitary sewage system in Głowienka. Then, the sewage will be delivered through the existing sewage system to the existing sewage treatment plant in Krosno.
A sewage pumping station with a capacity of 200m3/h was designed to pump wastewater from the Dukla agglomeration to Głowienka
As part of the investment, it is planned to build: sewage pipelines made of RC pipes with a PP jacket, pipe type: RC MAXIprotect®.
The route of sections of the sanitary sewage network will run, among others, green areas, dirt roads, municipal and district roads and under ditches and watercourses, e.g. the Jasiołka River.
Some of the work has been documented in the photos below.