Case study – Radpol’s pipes used for the construction of installation for transmission of decarbonised water
Completion of the project
Place of application:
PE100 coat pre-insulated pipes with SPIRO
Description of the investment
In the chemical industry, customers expect reliable and “failure-free” solutions. Potential interruptions in the transmission of media can lead to huge financial losses. That’s why a leading European manufacturer of nitrogen fertilizers asked Radpol to supply components for a robust decarbonized water transport system, based on pre-insulated pipes, that will ensure “failure-free” maintenance of the pipeline for many years to come.
We delivered for our client PE100 pre-insulated pipes with SPIRO coating. In standard SPIRO coat is made of galvanized steel sheets. There are also available coats in aluminum, aluzinc and acid resistant versions.
Transfer of liquids through Radpol’s pre-insulated PE100 pipes with SPIRO coating guarantees stability of temperature and maintenance without corks and thermal bridges.
The guarantee and reliability of this system for the next 30 years is ensured by the high quality of our PE100 pipes and pre-insulation with SPIRO coating.