
RADPOL has been constantly analysing the impact of electron radiation used by the production of heat-shrinkable products and advanced technologies used in the production are subject to a constant supervision.

Guaranteeing the highest quality of produced products with a concurrent observance of strict requirements connected with the natural environment protection is one of the most important goals of the Company.

RADPOL undertakes activities in order to increase the ecological awareness among the Company’s employees, and to this end:

  • Employees of RADPOL attend trainings, programmes aiming at the development of awareness and knowledge on occurring threats for the natural environment and methods of reducing them,
  • It grants access to all the interested parties to information on the activities undertaken by the company to protect the natural environment,
  • An open dialogue is conducted with the employees and local community on potential threats connected with the activity performed in RADPOL’s plants.
  • The Company quickly adapts to rigorous environmental requirements and implements the latest pro-ecological solutions.

The key activities realised by RADPOL within natural environment include:

  • Determination of a negative impact of the company on the natural environment and pursuing to minimise this impact,
  • Complying with all the legal regulations being in force within environmental protection,
  • Application of advanced securities in order to prevent occurrence of threats to the natural environment,
  • Reduction in the consumption of materials used in the production process,
  • Limitation of pollution emissions into the atmosphere,
  • Activities for the account of human health protection.

The guarantee of the realisation of such a formulated environment policy is the implemented, maintained and constantly improved Integrated Management System which complies with the following standards: PN EN ISO 9001:2001 and PN EN ISO 14001:1998.

Licence to produce waste

In relation to the type of performed operations the Company undertook to reduce the generated waste. RADPOL keeps record of production waste, and also concluded an agreement with Organizacja Odzysku Biosystem Kraków in order to ensure the required level of recycling.

RADPOL’s permits:

Licence to emit gases and dusts into the air (21 September 2011)

Licence is valid till 20 September 2021.

Licence to emit gases and dusts into the air (15 July 2015)

Licence is valid till 30 June 2025.

Licence to produce hazardous waste

The sign GIIE.6220.5.2015 valid until 30.06.2025